• after 2-3 weeks of age, feed poorly
• fail to survive without special attention
nervous system
• reduction in synaptic vesicles in a subset of mossy fibers in the granule layer of the cerebellum
• reduction in synaptic vesicles in a subset of mossy fibers in the granule layer of the cerebellum
• reduced Purkinje cell response to parallel fibers
• fEPSP is substantially reduced in the CA1 striatum radiatum
• inhibitory postsynaptic currents unaffected
• loss of all residual EPSP activity in a subset of glutaminergic fibers after 2 months of age
• frequency of miniature EPSC substantially reduced
• reduced glutamate uptake by the brain
• after 2-3 weeks of age, feed poorly
• eventually develop an enhanced startle response if maintained alive after 2-3 weeks of age
• eventually become uncoordinated if maintained alive after 2-3 weeks of age