• heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele die around E10.5; however, about 50% of tetraploid rescue embryos and all heterozygotes with a maternally inherited allele survive
• heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele become severely growth retarded between E9.5 and E10.5
• tetraploid rescue embryos with a paternally inherited allele also show growth retardation
• in heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele spongiotrophoblast cells are absent at E9.5 and E10.5; however, trophoblast giant cells are present
• in heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele
• in heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele the placenta is slightly smaller at E9.5 and severely depleted at E10.5, but no differences are seen at E7.5 or E8.5
• heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele become severely growth retarded between E9.5 and E10.5
• tetraploid rescue embryos with a paternally inherited allele also show growth retardation
• heterozygotes with a paternally inherited allele die around E10.5 while heterozygotes with a maternally inherited allele are viable and fertile