• ability to remain suspended from a wire basket unimpaired
• reduced ability to remain on a rotarod, 30% able to remain on rotarod for 10 min
• vacuoles bordering myonuclei in both atria and ventricles at 21 weeks of age and later but not at 1 week
• number of vacuoles increases with age
• irregularly shaped heterochromatin sometimes observed suggesting extrusion of nucleoplasm associated with disruption of nuclear membrane
• vacuoles seen bordering myonuclei
• skeletal muscle otherwise normal
cardiovascular system
• vacuoles bordering myonuclei in both atria and ventricles at 21 weeks of age and later but not at 1 week
• number of vacuoles increases with age
• irregularly shaped heterochromatin sometimes observed suggesting extrusion of nucleoplasm associated with disruption of nuclear membrane
• prolonged PR intervals in males as measured by limb-lead electrocardiogram but not seen in females or heterozygotes