reproductive system
• marked decrease in the number of corpora lutea; however, when mutant ovaries are transplanted into wild-type mice the number of corpora lutea are increased
• at 6 weeks of age, ovary weight is decreased compared to wild-type
• at 10 weeks of age, testis weight is decreased compared to wild-type
• only 2 of 6 matings to wild-type males resulted in pregnancy compared to 5 of 6 wild-type mice
• males fail to mount females in the first 15 minutes after setting up matings and no vaginal plugs are seen; however, spermatogenesis is normal
• decreased in males
• increased in females but not in males
digestive/alimentary system
• in both males and females; however no increase in plasma ketones or leptin levels are detected
• body weight is decreased in both males and females
endocrine/exocrine glands
• marked decrease in the number of corpora lutea; however, when mutant ovaries are transplanted into wild-type mice the number of corpora lutea are increased
• at 6 weeks of age, ovary weight is decreased compared to wild-type
• at 10 weeks of age, testis weight is decreased compared to wild-type
nervous system
• increased hypothalmic gonadotropin-releasing hormone content in females