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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 3, Shirley M Tilghman
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ednrbtm2(rtTA)Tilg/Ednrbtm3(tetO)Tilg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv MGI:3624014
Ednrbtm1(tTA)Tilg/Ednrbtm3(tetO)Tilg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv MGI:3624015

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ednrbtm2(rtTA)Tilg mutation (0 available); any Ednrb mutation (104 available)
Ednrbtm3(tetO)Tilg mutation (0 available); any Ednrb mutation (104 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• two neonates that developed without dox being given to the mothers eventually die of megacolon
• all compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 die of megacolon within 4 weeks of birth

digestive/alimentary system
• when doxycycline (dox) containing water is provided to females for the entire pregnancy (thus resulting in the expression of Ednrb throughout development), compound heterozygous offspring exhibit no enteric neuron defects
• if dox is administered to pregnant mothers at or before E9.5, all compound heterozygous offspring are phenotypically normal
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E10.5 exhibit no melanocyte or enteric ganglia defects
• two neonates that developed without dox (no expression of Ednrb) being given to the mothers eventually die of megacolon
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E10.5, have an unpigmented head and megacolon
• all compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 die of megacolon within 4 weeks of birth

• when dox-containing water is provided to females for the entire pregnancy or is administered at or before E9.5, compound heterozygous offspring exhibit no melanocyte defects
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E10.5 exhibit no melanocyte of enteric ganglia defects
• two neonates that developed without dox being given to the mothers are almost completely white
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E10.5 exhibit unpigmented portions of the head but no megacolon, and others have an unpigmented head and megacolon
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 are amelanocytic, exhibiting the null piebald-lethal phenotype, and others are pigmented in the caudal one- to two-thirds of the body
• all compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E12.5 or later, exhibit the piebald-lethal phenotype

nervous system
• compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 exhibit no neuroblasts beyond the coecum

• two neonates that developed without dox being given to the mothers are almost completely white
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E10.5 exhibit unpigmented portions of the head but no megacolon, and others have an unpigmented head and megacolon
• some compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 are amelanocytic, exhibiting the null piebald-lethal phenotype, and others are pigmented in the caudal one- to two-thirds of the body
• all compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E12.5 or later, exhibit the piebald-lethal phenotype

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ednrbtm1(tTA)Tilg mutation (0 available); any Ednrb mutation (104 available)
Ednrbtm3(tetO)Tilg mutation (0 available); any Ednrb mutation (104 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• compound heterozygous mice that develop in the absence of doxycycline (dox) (Ednrb is expressed) are fully pigmented and viable
• all, but one, compound heterozygotes born to females given dox (Ednrb expression is repressed) after E12.5 or E13.5 are normal and do not develop megacolon
• compound heterozygous mice that develop in the presence of dox throughout pregnancy (no expression of Ednrb) display a piebald-lethal phenotype
• all compound heterozygotes born to mothers given dox at E10.5, display the full piebald-lethal phenotype
• about 50% of compound heterozygotes born to females given dox after E11.5 are piebald-lethal, with the rest pigmented in the rostral one- to two-thirds of the body and develop megacolon

digestive/alimentary system
• all, but one, compound heterozygotes born to females given dox (no expression of Ednrb) after E12.5 or E13.5 are normal and do not develop megacolon
• about 50% of compound heterozygotes born to females given dox at E11.5 develop megacolon

nervous system
• compound heterozygotes born to females given dox between E11.5 and E12.5 exhibit no neuroblasts beyond the coecum

• compound heterozygous mice that develop in the presence of dox throughout pregnancy (no expression of Ednrb) display a piebald-lethal phenotype
• all compound heterozygotes born to mothers given dox at E10.5, display the full piebald-lethal phenotype
• about 50% of compound heterozygotes born to females given dox after E11.5 are piebald-lethal, with the rest pigmented in the rostral one- to two-thirds of the body and develop megacolon

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory