immune system
• in response to BSA or concanavalin A, lymph node cellular proliferation is significantly greater in cultures from mutant mice at all time points compared to wild-type controls
• in response to BSA or concanavalin A, Il-2 levels in lymph node cultures from mutants are much higher than in cultures from control mice at 24 hours
• upon injection of BSA into sensitized mutants, swelling of the paw is apparent after 1 hour, significantly greater at all time points and fails to resolve by 96 hours compared to controls
• paws of mutants show increased neutrophil infiltrate than in wild-type mice in response to an inflammatory challenge; neutrophils accumulate subcutaneously in foci of keratin crust and form small subcorneal microabcesses not detected in wild-type
• in a model of IgE antigen-dependent passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, mice exhibit increased dye extravasation (a measure of edema) compared with wild-type mice
• in the dermis and skeletal muscle of some mutants, there are dense accumulations of neutrophils forming small microabcesses not detected in wild-type
• in a model of IgE antigen-dependent passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, mice exhibit increased dye extravasation (a measure of edema) compared with wild-type mice