reproductive system
• approximately 4% of P0 metaphase oocytes have a full complement of crossovers
• >98% of pachytene cells fail to properly synapse at least one pair of chromosomes
• 63.2% of (pseudo)pachytene cells show mispairing of non-homologous chromosomes in a branched 'tangled' structure
• P0 oocytes have widespread asynapsis
• females fail to reproduce, but when Chek2 is also absent then some fertility is recovered
• approximately 4% of P0 metaphase oocytes have a full complement of crossovers
• >98% of pachytene cells fail to properly synapse at least one pair of chromosomes
• 63.2% of (pseudo)pachytene cells show mispairing of non-homologous chromosomes in a branched 'tangled' structure
• P0 oocytes have widespread asynapsis
• increased DMC1 foci count from zygotene onwards indicating delayed repair of DSBs
• increased number of RAD51 foci in (pseudo)-pachytene cells
• increased DMC1 foci count from zygotene onwards indicating delayed repair of DSBs
• increased number of RAD51 foci in (pseudo)-pachytene cells