immune system
• skin of mutants shows granulomatous inflammation of the dermis associated with rupture of follicles
dermal cyst
• 4-month old mutants have deep dermal cysts, upon examination of the middorsal skin
• homozygous mutants begin losing hair around the face and neck, proceeding caudally, until mutants are devoid of all general body hair by 25 days of age
• nails are excessively long and curved
• numbers of whiskers in homozygous mice decreases with age
• at 4 months of age, mutant skin is characterized by the formation of epidermal utricles
• generalized orthokeratosis affects the skin of the entire body in mutants
• generalized acanthosis affects the skin of the entire body in mutants
loose skin
• as mutants age, the skin becomes progressively looser, developing folds and flaps
dermal cyst
• 4-month old mutants have deep dermal cysts, upon examination of the middorsal skin