• homozygotes do not survive birth and if born by Cesarean section die shortly after birth
respiratory system
• pups born by Cesarean section are unable to breath or open their mouths
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• decreased ossification and bone density
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• reduction in the intervertebral disk matrix
• pronounced change in spinal curvature is seen at the juncture of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae
• pronounced compression
• decrease in extracellular matrix surrounding the developing vertebrae and decreased vertebral bone mineralization
• decrease in extracellular matrix surrounding the developing intervertebral disks
• in the skull
• decreased and irregular pattern of mineralization of the vertebrae, parietal and frontal bones
• decreased ossification of the calvarial bones
• newborns display very weak reflexes in the extremities when stimulated by touching
• decreased ossification and bone density
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• larger and thinner compared to wild-type mice
• increased head length but not width or height