• 12 rib-bearing thoracic vertebra as compared to the normal complement of 13
• a complete anterior homeotic transformation affecting the second cervical vertebra (C2) to the 13th thoracic vertebra (T13)
• presence of an additional 8th cervical vertebra
• additional cervical vertebra, which is ordinarily the first rib-bearing thoracic vertebra, acquires the morphology of the seventh cervical vertebra
• first lumbar vertebra is the first vertebra correctly specified in the mutants
• extended neck region at birth
• presence of an additional 8th cervical vertebra
• tuberculum anterior is absent
• retinoic acid (RA, 10 mg/g) treatment at E7.25 completely rescues the defect
• the additional cervical vertebra is most similar to the morphology of the atlas
• the first and the supernumerary atlas shared one common enlarged anterior arch of the atlas
nervous system
• an additional cervical segment in the nervous system
• the 8th (instead of 7th in wild type) intersegmental nerve is the first that contributed to the innervation of the forelimb in mutant embryos
• the first 5 (instead of 4 in wild type) intersegmental nerves contribute to the hypoglossal nerve
• hunched posture at birth