• only completely resorbed embryos are found at E6.5 and E7.5 and blastocysts appear abnormal at E3.5
• mitotic catastrophe with over-condensed chromosomes, and misaligned chromosomes
• cells appear to prematurely enter anaphase; however, S-phase entry and progression and mitotic entry appear normal
• abnormal spindle structures at the prometaphase-like stage
• multipolar and tangled spindle structures present during anaphase
• abnormalities are seen at the 8 and 16 cell stages
• by the blastocyst stage gross cellular degeneration is seen
• when pronuclei are collected and cultured for 4 days homozygotes fail to develop a distinct blastocele
• when pronuclei are collected and cultured for 4 days homozygotes fail to develop a distinct inner cell mass
• 2 homozygous embryos captured at E3.5 had severely retarded outgrowth of the inner cell mass and few of these cells survived for 5 days in culture
• when pronuclei are collected and cultured for 4 days homozygotes fail to develop a distinct trophoblast