• genomic stability is disrupted in activated B cells with chromosome breakage occurring in close to half of cells
• B cells undergoing class switch recombination have even greater increased risk of chromosome breakage due to aberrations at the Igh locus
• there is also increased breakage at the Igk and Igl loci with 1% of stimulated B cells demonstrating this
• Igl breaks in activated B cells are frequently fused to AID-dependent Igh breaks in the same cell to form chromosome 12/16 translocations
• there is also a five-fold increase in Igh-Myc translocations activated B cells compared to controls
hematopoietic system
• class switch recombination often leads to chromosome breakage at the Igh locus
immune system
• class switch recombination often leads to chromosome breakage at the Igh locus