endocrine/exocrine glands
N |
• mice are indistinguishable from wild-type mice and show no alterations of the thyroid gland
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
N |
• mice are indistinguishable from wild-type mice and show no alterations of the thyroid gland
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• 50% of mice die within 7 weeks from birth and none survive over 4 months of age
• treatment with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI3K, twice a week starting at 3 weeks of age prolongs survival of mice
• mice develop thyroids 200- to 500-fold larger than controls
• mice rapidly develop thyroid follicular carcinomas
• 30-90% of the thyroid glands are replaced by microfollicular to solid areas, indicating thyroid follicular cancer, including capsular, muscle, and vascular invasion
• mice rapidly develop thyroid follicular carcinomas
• 30-90% of the thyroid glands are replaced by microfollicular to solid areas, indicating thyroid follicular cancer, including capsular, muscle, and vascular invasion
• all mice surviving at least 12 weeks develop thyroglobulin-positive lung metastases
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• median survival is 38.4 weeks
• 4-8 week old mice only show areas of well differentiated follicular carcinomas but go on to develop well-differentiated follicular carcinomas by 8-10 months of age exhibiting spindle cell morphology, giant, osteoclast-like, multinucleated cells and areas of osseous metaplasia resembling human thyroid anaplastic carcinomas
• anaplastic thyroid carcinomas undergo dedifferentiation, genomic instability and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and exhibit a shift from an oxidative to a glycolytic pathway
• aggressive tumors invade locally into the muscle and trachea and metastasize to the lungs in 28% of mice, or less often, to the liver
• all 8-10 month old mice exhibit enlarged thyroid gland causing severe tracheal compression
• 4-8 week old mice only show areas of well differentiated follicular carcinomas but go on to develop well-differentiated follicular carcinomas by 8-10 months of age exhibiting spindle cell morphology, giant, osteoclast-like, multinucleated cells and areas of osseous metaplasia resembling human thyroid anaplastic carcinomas
• anaplastic thyroid carcinomas undergo dedifferentiation, genomic instability and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and exhibit a shift from an oxidative to a glycolytic pathway
• reduction in TSH serum levels
• however, T4 levels are normal
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
thyroid gland carcinoma | DOID:3963 | J:211100 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mean survival is 58 weeks of age
• no gender differences in development of adenomas
• no gender differences in development of carcinomas
• no gender differences in development of adenomas
• no gender differences in development of carcinomas
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mean survival is 21 weeks and all mutants die by 6 months of age
• hyperplastic thyroids cause dyspnea and prevent feeding
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• females have a reduced lifespan compared to males, with a mean survival age of 73 weeks compared to 83 weeks in males
• mutants start to show signs of illness starting after 1 year of age
• enlarged thyroid
• ovariectomization of females results in reduced proliferative index of thyroids to a similar level seen in males
• 52% of females develop thyroid follicular adenomas between 8-12 months of age compared to 12% of males
• 50% of the females and 35% of males over one year of age develop invasive and often metastatic thyroid follicular carcinomas
• thyroxine levels are slightly, but significantly, increased in all mice with adenomas
• aging mice exhibit suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone
• 52% of females develop thyroid follicular adenomas between 8-12 months of age compared to 12% of males
• 50% of the females and 35% of males over one year of age develop invasive and often metastatic thyroid follicular carcinomas
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
follicular thyroid carcinoma | DOID:3962 |
OMIM:188470 |
J:165293 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice exhibit benign follicular thyroid hyperplasia
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• architecture of thyroid follicles is disrupted at 3 weeks of age
• mice develop low-grade papillary thyroid cancer by 9 weeks of age, however, tumors are smaller and lack the characteristic tall cell features and are less invasive than in single Braftm1Cpri conditional mice
• mice develop low-grade papillary thyroid cancer by 9 weeks of age, however, tumors are smaller and lack the characteristic tall cell features and are less invasive than in single Braftm1Cpri conditional mice
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice develop poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
• mice develop poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
thyroid cancer | DOID:1781 | J:231492 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice develop large thyroid cancers with high penetrance, with most being poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
• treatment with AZD6244 results in a reduction of tumor size
• mice develop large thyroid cancers with high penetrance, with most being poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
• treatment with AZD6244 results in a reduction of tumor size
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
thyroid cancer | DOID:1781 | J:231492 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice develop smaller papillary thyroid tumors with greatly attenuated histological features resembling indolent papillary thyroid cancer in humans compared to single Braftm1Cpri conditional mutants
• mice develop smaller papillary thyroid tumors with greatly attenuated histological features resembling indolent papillary thyroid cancer in humans compared to single Braftm1Cpri conditional mutants
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• about 65% of mice exhibit mild nodular hyperplasia after 18 months
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice weigh about 50% less than wild-type littermates by weaning
• by 5 weeks of age, serum T4 levels are decreased
• by 5 weeks of age, serum TSH levels are about 500-fold greater than in wild-type mice
• mice develop infiltrative papillary thyroid cancer with complete penetrance by 5 weeks of age
• tumors encompass the entire thyroid gland and have features of aggressive human papillary thyroid cancer with papillae lined by tall cells, with increased number of mitoses, nuclear clearing, and pseudonuclear inclusions
• administration of levothyroxine (L-T4) soon after birth for 3 weeks does not prevent the onset or alter the characteristics of papillary thyroid tumors
• administration of L-T4 for 3 weeks beginning at 5 weeks of age when all mice have tumors does not decrease the mitotic rate or alter the severity of the tumors
• mice treated with the MEK1/2 inhibitor PD325901 for 3 weeks beginning at 3 weeks of age exhibit a decrease in thyroid tumor volume and a modest reduction in proliferative index of tumors
• tumor cells frequently invade perithyroidal tissues
• 66% of tumors invade into surrounding skeletal muscle by 5 weeks and vascular invasion is common
• mice develop infiltrative papillary thyroid cancer with complete penetrance by 5 weeks of age
• tumors encompass the entire thyroid gland and have features of aggressive human papillary thyroid cancer with papillae lined by tall cells, with increased number of mitoses, nuclear clearing, and pseudonuclear inclusions
• administration of levothyroxine (L-T4) soon after birth for 3 weeks does not prevent the onset or alter the characteristics of papillary thyroid tumors
• administration of L-T4 for 3 weeks beginning at 5 weeks of age when all mice have tumors does not decrease the mitotic rate or alter the severity of the tumors
• mice treated with the MEK1/2 inhibitor PD325901 for 3 weeks beginning at 3 weeks of age exhibit a decrease in thyroid tumor volume and a modest reduction in proliferative index of tumors
• tumor cells frequently invade perithyroidal tissues
• 66% of tumors invade into surrounding skeletal muscle by 5 weeks and vascular invasion is common
• mice are euthyroid at P3, however by 5 weeks of age, mice are hypothyroid
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
papillary thyroid carcinoma | DOID:3969 |
OMIM:188550 |
J:168249 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice exhibit low birth weight and fail to thrive
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice develop poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
• mice develop poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
thyroid cancer | DOID:1781 | J:231492 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• thyroids show increased cellularity but retain a follicular pattern of growth
• 100% of mice exhibit enlargement of the thyroid
• thyroids exhibit locally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma
• tumors exhibit high proliferation rate
• mice develop follicular thyroid carcinoma at a rate of 43% by one year of age
• tumors exhibit increased proliferation compared to wild-type thyroid glands
• however, none of the tumors show widely invasive or angio-invasive behavior
• mice are hyperthyroid
• T4 levels are elevated, indicating hyperthyroidism
• TSH levels are lower but not statistically significant due to wide variation in wild-type mice
• thyroids exhibit locally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma
• tumors exhibit high proliferation rate
• mice develop follicular thyroid carcinoma at a rate of 43% by one year of age
• tumors exhibit increased proliferation compared to wild-type thyroid glands
• however, none of the tumors show widely invasive or angio-invasive behavior
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
follicular thyroid carcinoma | DOID:3962 |
OMIM:188470 |
J:241066 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• median survival age of 6 months
• males exhibit lower body weight beginning at 1 month of age which becomes statistically significant at 5 months of age
• 100% of mice develop follicular thyroid carcinoma by 8 weeks of age, showing capsular and/or vascular invasion
• tumors show a molecular signature similar to human sporadic follicular thyroid cancer
• mice are hyperthyroid
• reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue
• reduction in visceral adipose tissue
• free T4 levels are increased
• reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue
• 100% of mice develop follicular thyroid carcinoma by 8 weeks of age, showing capsular and/or vascular invasion
• tumors show a molecular signature similar to human sporadic follicular thyroid cancer
• metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma is seen in the lungs of 27% of mice; metastases are well differentiated, maintain follicular structure with colloid, and stain for thyroglobulin
• tumors exhibit only mild increases in proliferation rate compared to those in single homozygous Prkar1atm1.2Lsk Tg(TPO-cre)1Shk/0 mice
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
follicular thyroid carcinoma | DOID:3962 |
OMIM:188470 |
J:241066 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• mice exhibit reduced survival compared to single heterozygotes
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• enlarged in a smooth and symmetrical manner with abundant colloid
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• pioglitazone-fed mice exhibit lipid accumulation in thyroid cells
• 100-fold increase in size
• larger than in Ptentm1Hwu/Ptentm1Hwu Tg(TPO-cre)1Shk mice
• irregularly shaped, mutlinodular, more cellular than colloid
• however, pioglitazone (a PPARG inhibitor) decreases thyroid size
• with metastasis to the lungs and soft tissues
• however, pioglitazone (a PPARG inhibitor) induces a lipogenic antitumor response
• pioglitazone-fed mice exhibit decreased thyroid size due to increased apoptosis
• 6-fold
• however, pioglitazone normalizes thyroid function
• 3.5-fold
• however, pioglitazone normalizes thyroid function
• with metastasis to the lungs and soft tissues
• however, pioglitazone (a PPARG inhibitor) induces a lipogenic antitumor response
• pioglitazone-fed mice exhibit decreased thyroid size due to increased apoptosis
• pioglitazone-fed mice exhibit decreased thyroid size due to increased apoptosis
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
thyroid gland carcinoma | DOID:3963 | J:177181 |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
N |
• mice exhibit normal serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) levels
N |
• mice treated with the goitrogen 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) for up to 20 weeks of age develop benign goiters and increases in TSH but do not develop thyroid cancer
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
N |
• mice exhibit normal thyroid histology
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• glands consist mostly of atrophic or degenerative follicles, and multiple smaller follicles lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells in various ratios; atrophic/degenerative follicles had various sizes and shapes and are lined with flattened to cuboidal epithelial cells
• colloid in the lumen of cells in these follicles is partially or almost completely depleted
• most of these cells have lost Titf1 expression
• space between normal and atrophic/degenerative follicles is filled with small follicles resembling hyperplastic thyroid follicles containing little or no colloid in their lumens
• cultured follicular cells form irregular-shaped polygonal structures lacking colloid accumulation compared to mature, spherical colloid-containing follicles formed by cells from Titf1tm2Shk homozygotes
• mice expressing highly elevated TSH levels have the most severely affected throid glands; size of thyroid glands is reduced to about half the diameter of control thyroid glands
• mean serum TSH levels are higher than in Titf1tm1Shk/ Titf1tm2Shk mice or Titf1tm2Shk homozygous mice but statistical significance was not obtained
• extremely high TSH serum levels are sporadically observed
• small follicles between normal and atrophic/degenerative follicles occasionally form nodular lesions considered to be follicular adenoma
♀ | phenotype observed in females |
♂ | phenotype observed in males |
N | normal phenotype |
• by 6 months (benign)
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |
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