• homozygotes die by P15; treatment with diazepam decreases seizure frequency but does not extend survival past P15
• problems progress to complete loss of postural control
• at P15, mice require longer to recover from supine to prone position than wild-type and display a pronounced lack of coordination
• beginning at P9, neurological abnormalities progress to include mild limb tremors
• beginning at P9, neurological abnormalities progress to include side-to-side swaying
• at P15, mice exhibit bilateral forelimb convulsive seizures
• at P15, mice display generalized clonic seizures
nervous system
• at P15, mice exhibit bilateral forelimb convulsive seizures
• at P15, mice display generalized clonic seizures
• isolated hippocampal pyramidal neurons show a substantial decrease in sodium current levels
• current densities in homozygotes (pA = 41 pA/pF) are decreased compared to wild-type (pA = 149 pA/pF)
• amplitude of the action potential is reduced and width is increased in response to injection of depolarizing current compared to wild-type interneurons
• peak of action potential is greater and minimum voltage after the action potential is more negative in wild-type compared to mutant interneurons