• reduced tumor volume and incidents in DMBA- and TPA-treated mice more so than in Cd151tm2Nki/Cd151tm2Nki Krt14tm1(cre)Wbm mice
• however, overall benign and malignant histology is normal
• reduced tumor volume and incidents in DMBA- and TPA-treated mice more so than in Cd151tm2Nki/Cd151tm2Nki Krt14tm1(cre)Wbm mice
• in papillomas of DMBA- and TPA-treated mice
• reduced tumor volume and incidents in DMBA- and TPA-treated mice more so than in Cd151tm2Nki/Cd151tm2Nki Krt14tm1(cre)Wbm mice
• however, overall benign and malignant histology is normal
• in papillomas of DMBA- and TPA-treated mice