nervous system
• shortened neurite length in primary cultures of olfactory sensory neurons
• although OLFR160 glomeruli have a normal position, the dorsomedial OLFR1507 glomeruli are abnormally positioned caudal rather than rostral to the first accessory olfactory bulb
• at embryonic day 17 protoglomeruli formation is delayed, at 4 days of age glomeruli can be identified but are poorly formed and lack discrete boundaries, and in the adult the glomeruli remain irregularly shaped and not well circumscribed
• the division of the inner and outer nerve layers of the olfactory bulb is perturbed
• although the number of glomeruli and their regional distribution are normal, the glomeruli from the dorsal olfactory bulb are larger than normal and more glomeruli are radially stacked resutling in abnormal lamination
• shortened neurite length in primary cultures of olfactory sensory neurons
respiratory system
• shortened neurite length in primary cultures of olfactory sensory neurons
• shortened neurite length in primary cultures of olfactory sensory neurons
• shortened neurite length in primary cultures of olfactory sensory neurons