• die at or immediately after birth
respiratory system
• fail to begin breathing
nervous system
• in 4 of 9 mice at E18.5 and P0 the third ventricle appears enlarged, similar to that in wild-type mice at E16.5
• however, no other gross defects in brain morphology are detected
• synaptic vesicles in asymmetric synapses in the pons, cortex, medulla, and hippocampus have an elongated, drop-like or irregular shape
• more asymmetric synapses containing only a single vesicles are seen and the average number of vesicles is significantly reduced
• absence of spontaneous electrical activity in the hypoglossal root nerve and accompanying changes in fluorescence in the facial motor nuclei indicating a loss of respiratory-related rhythmic motor output
• absence of spontaneous rhythmic activity in the pre-Botzinger complex at E16.5
• unilateral electrical and chemical stimulation of the pre-Botzinger complex fails to induce bilateral bursts and instead produces only ispilateral responses in the vicinity of stimulation
• absence of fast synaptic events in the pre-Botzinger complex area suggesting a lack of AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated synaptic processing
• absence of fast synaptic events in the pre-Botzinger complex area suggesting a lack of AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated synaptic processing
• absent toe-pinch reflex at E18.5
• at E18.5
• significantly smaller than control littermates at E18.5
• weigh about 8% less than littermate controls at E18.5