reproductive system
• maximal bending angle of principal bend in midpiece of flagellum is 49% compared to 92% in wild-type
• many capacitated sperm cells that can not hyperactivate motility exhibit decreased bending in midpiece of proximal flagellum
• males mated with wild-type females sire no litters
• calcium-selective pH sensitive sperm current (ICatSper) is not detectable
• percent motility of mutant sperm decreases more rapidly than wild-type
• after 90 minutes in viscous conditions, sperm lose their motility compared to wild-type which move more vigorously than initially
• maximal bending angle of principal bend in midpiece of flagellum is 49% compared to 92% in wild-type
• percent motility of mutant sperm decreases more rapidly than wild-type
• after 90 minutes in viscous conditions, sperm lose their motility compared to wild-type which move more vigorously than initially