reproductive system
• contain a large number of antral follicles
• in the ovarian hilus, theca cells appear hypertrophic and luteinized
• the endometrial stroma appears condensed and shows granulocyte infiltration
• the endometrium lacks all glandular structures
• the endometrium is severely atrophic
• at 5 - 6 weeks of age the uterus is grossly enlarged and filled with fluid
• ovarectomized, estrogen-treated mice fail to display a luteinizing hormone surge
• however, basal luteinizing hormone levels are similar to wild-type
nervous system
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• distribution and number of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons are similar to wild-type
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the endometrium lacks all glandular structures
• contain a large number of antral follicles
• in the ovarian hilus, theca cells appear hypertrophic and luteinized