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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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gene trap KST264, BayGenomics
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg/Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3697504
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg/Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * CD-1 MGI:5445155
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg/Crim1+ involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:5445153
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg/Crim1+ involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * CD-1 MGI:5445157

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg mutation (0 available); any Crim1 mutation (52 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• no homozygous neonates are viable, although sometimes stillborn mutants are retrieved

cardiovascular system
• simplification and dilation of the glomerular capillaries at E15.5 through E17.5
• at E17.5, endothelial cells are focally detached from the GBM
• some capillaries show signs of endothelium overgrowth with numerous cytoplasmic protrusions in the lumen
• at E15.5 through E17.5
• at E15.5 and E16.5, often display prominent hematoma formation above the nose
• visible accumulation of blood within the glomeruli at E17.5
• thick section histology reveals pooling of erythrocytes in some dilated capillaries


• after E12.5, show fusion of hindlimb digits 3 and 4
• other digits in the forelimb and hindlimb are affected to a variable degree but did not involve digits 1 and 5, and the hindlimbs are always affected

renal/urinary system
• simplification and dilation of the glomerular capillaries at E15.5 through E17.5
• at E17.5, endothelial cells are focally detached from the GBM
• some capillaries show signs of endothelium overgrowth with numerous cytoplasmic protrusions in the lumen
• at E15.5 through E17.5
• visible accumulation of blood within the glomeruli at E17.5
• thick section histology reveals pooling of erythrocytes in some dilated capillaries
• at E17.5, podocyte differentiation is severely impaired
• defective foot process formation at E17.5
• pododcyte foot processes are obliterated at E17.5
• however, normal slit diaphragms are occasionally observed
• at E17.5, the number of WT1-positive podocytes appears to be reduced, suggesting possible loss of identity due to structural defects
• at E17.5, the GBM appears irregular in more severely affected glomeruli
• at E17.5, the GBM appears thickened in more severely affected glomeruli
• at E17.5, mesangiolysis is prominent in more mature glomeruli without any endothelial cell loss
• enlarged glomeruli at E17.5
• seen by E15.5

• exhibit an accumulation of cells of endothelial appearance in the posterior eye chamber
• reduction in the size of the lens by E16.5
• the smaller lens appears to promote the encroachment of the optic cup anteriorly, resulting in a more restricted aperture of the pigmented anterior optic cup

• at E12.5, all embryos display blebbing of the skin on the midline of the head and the dorsum; the blebbing appears to resolve as it is rarely seen after E15.5

nervous system

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * CD-1
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg mutation (0 available); any Crim1 mutation (52 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• only 15% of outbred homozygotes reach birth and survive to adulthood
• Background Sensitivity: outbreeding onto a CD-1 background for one generation results in only 15% of homozygotes recovered at birth

cardiovascular system
• adult homozygotes exhibit normal anesthetized mean arterial pressure and left ventricle weight relative to wild-type controls
• adult homozygotes exhibit thickening of the endothelial cells; however, the GBM is relatively normal
• adult homozygotes exhibit loss of endothelial fenestrae
• capillaries in both non-leaky and leaky glomeruli are significantly larger in diameter than those in wild type controls
• in leaky glomeruli the mean capillary diameter is 7-fold larger than that in non-leaky glomeruli
• dextran labelling of plasma shows aneurism-like dilations of the peritubular vasculature in adult kidneys, unlike in wild-type controls
• peritubular vascular leakage is indicated by the presence of rhodamine B dextran in the interstitium surrounding the vasculature
• red blood cells within adult peritubular capillaries are widely spaced, unlike in wild-type controls
• however, the number, localization, and diameter of peritubular capillaries is not significantly altered
• both juvenile (P18) and adult homozygotes show a thickened ruffled endothelial lining of peritubular capillaries with looping protrusions into the lumen
• endothelium shows separation from the basal lamina and reduced fenestration in many areas
• gaps in endothelium adjacent to an apparently normal basement membrane are occasionally observed
• endothelium disruption occurs prior to necrosis of surrounding tubule cells
• adult homozygotes exhibit a leaky GFB and increased vascular permeability in other renal microvasculature, unlike wild-type controls
• live imaging reveals leakiness of both glomerular and peritubular capillaries
• variable degree of leakiness in individual glomeruli, with evidence of dextran filtration from the glomerular capillaries into the Bowman's space

renal/urinary system
• adult homozygotes show no significant differences in left kidney weight and left kidney to body weight ratio or in 24-h urine, sodium, potassium, and osmolality excretion relative to wild-type controls (J:147543)
• immunohistochemical analysis of adult kidneys shows normal peritubular capillary number and localization in the cortex and normal vasa recta staining in the inner medulla relative to wild-type controls (J:172334)
• dextran labelling of plasma shows aneurism-like dilations of the peritubular vasculature in adult kidneys, unlike in wild-type controls
• peritubular vascular leakage is indicated by the presence of rhodamine B dextran in the interstitium surrounding the vasculature
• red blood cells within adult peritubular capillaries are widely spaced, unlike in wild-type controls
• however, the number, localization, and diameter of peritubular capillaries is not significantly altered
• both juvenile (P18) and adult homozygotes show a thickened ruffled endothelial lining of peritubular capillaries with looping protrusions into the lumen
• endothelium shows separation from the basal lamina and reduced fenestration in many areas
• gaps in endothelium adjacent to an apparently normal basement membrane are occasionally observed
• endothelium disruption occurs prior to necrosis of surrounding tubule cells
• TUNEL staining identifies apoptotic cells lining the adult renal pelvis
• adult kidneys display small cysts in the outer cortex (J:147543)
• MRI reveals extensive cortical cysts in adult kidneys (J:187026)
• adult homozygotes exhibit large glomerular cysts (J:147543)
• large glomerular cysts of a diameter of 200 um are seen in adult, but not juvenile, kidneys (J:172334)
• adult hydronephrotic kidneys exhibit multiple glomerular cysts (J:187026)
• adult homozygotes show a 3-fold increase in 24-hr albumin excretion and albumin-to-creatinine excretion ratio relative to wild-type controls
• adult, but not juvenile, kidneys show upregulated markers of inflammation
• a number of adult homozygotes show uncoordinated, non-productive pyeloureteric peristalsis with abnormal propagation of the initial contraction
• unlike in wild-type kidneys where peristaltic contractions initiated near the base of the papilla are circumferentially orientated and propagate distally along the longitudinal axis passing towards and into the ureter, the distal renal pelvis of mutant mice exhibits contractions in both the circular and the longitudinal direction almost synchronously with the ureter
• however, no significant difference in peristaltic frequency is noted between the two groups
• in addition, isolated renal pelvis preparations suggest normal pelvic smooth muscle contractile responses
• cystic glomeruli exhibit an enlarged Bowman's space
• adult homozygotes exhibit areas of podocyte flattening and effacement (J:147543)
• both juvenile (P18) and adult homozygotes show podocyte effacement, unlike wild-type controls (J:172334)
• both juvenile (P18) and adult kidneys show a significant reduction in width of the basal lamina of the glomerular basement membrane, unlike wild-type controls
• adult homozygotes show a significant increase in glomerulus diameter relative to wild-type controls
• adult homozygotes exhibit thickening of the endothelial cells; however, the GBM is relatively normal
• adult homozygotes exhibit loss of endothelial fenestrae
• capillaries in both non-leaky and leaky glomeruli are significantly larger in diameter than those in wild type controls
• in leaky glomeruli the mean capillary diameter is 7-fold larger than that in non-leaky glomeruli
• adult homozygotes exhibit glomerular obsolescence and collapse of the glomerular tuft, resembling collapsing glomerulopathy
• adult kidneys exhibit sclerotic glomeruli
• occasionally seen in juvenile (P21) kidneys
• adult homozygotes exhibit numerous enlarged glomeruli extending into the outer cortex
• MRI reveals a loss of corticomedullary differentiation in adult kidneys, unlike in wild-type controls where clear distinctions between the cortex, medulla, and papilla are observed
• adult kidneys exhibit areas of iinterstitial fibrosis (J:147543)
• adult, but not juvenile (P21), kidneys exhibit extensive areas of fibrosis in the cortex involving sclerotic glomeruli and tubules, as well as in the medulla (J:172334)
• adult kidneys show a significant increase in the % of collagen in both the cortex and the corticomedullary junction (J:172334)
• TUNEL staining identifies apoptotic cells lining the adult renal pelvis
• adult hydronephrotic kidneys exhibit atrophied papilla
• juvenile (P4-P15) and adult homozygotes exhibit papillary hypoplasia
• homozygotes exhibit defects in papillary extension from the renal parenchyma in the immediate postnatal period (P0-P15)
• papillary length (normalized to kidney length) is significantly reduced relative to that in wild-type controls
• shortened papilla precede evidence of hydronephrosis and overt renal disease
• 27% of adult homozygotes (8-28 weeks of age) show evidence of progressive hydronephrosis associated with a dilated pelvis and atrophied papilla
• juvenile (P4-P15) and adult mutant kidneys are on average 10% smaller than wild-type
• adult homozygotes exhibit areas of renal tubular dilation
• adult (but not juvenile) homozygotes display regions of renal tubule necrosis
• dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using a gadolinium-containing contrast agent (Gd-DTPA) reveals fast development of hypo-intense signal in mutant adult kidneys (7-8 weeks), indicating accumulation of Gd-DTPA within the renal parenchyma
• delayed urinary filtrate clearance occurs in all mutants examined, despite the absence of hydronephrosis, hydroureter or any evidence for a physical ureteric obstruction
• delayed rhodamine dextran (RD) clearance in juvenile (P21) mutant kidneys results in accumulation of tubular RD predominantly in collecting ducts of the medulla, indicating early onset of outflow obstruction at the collecting duct level
• functional obstruction occurs in all mice prior to P21, before overt hydronephrosis or progressive fibrosis
• adult homozygotes exhibit a leaky glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) that is permeable to FITC-Dextran (70 kDa), unlike wild-type controls
• the GFR is 40% lower than that in adult wild-type controls

• adult homozygotes show a 3-fold increase in 24-hr albumin excretion and albumin-to-creatinine excretion ratio relative to wild-type controls
• adult, but not juvenile, kidneys show extraglomerular renin staining in pericytes in the afferent arteriole and in smooth muscle cells of larger arteries, indicating extensive recruitment of renin-producing cells

immune system
• adult, but not juvenile, kidneys show upregulated markers of inflammation

• TUNEL staining identifies apoptotic cells lining the adult renal pelvis
• both juvenile (P18) and adult kidneys show a significant reduction in width of the basal lamina of the glomerular basement membrane and the abluminal tubular basal lamina, unlike wild-type controls

hematopoietic system
• adult homozygotes exhibit normal hematocrit values relative to wild-type controls

• adult homozygotes show no differences in body weight relative to wild-type controls
• adult kidneys display small cysts in the outer cortex (J:147543)
• MRI reveals extensive cortical cysts in adult kidneys (J:187026)
• adult homozygotes exhibit large glomerular cysts (J:147543)
• large glomerular cysts of a diameter of 200 um are seen in adult, but not juvenile, kidneys (J:172334)
• adult hydronephrotic kidneys exhibit multiple glomerular cysts (J:187026)

• a number of adult homozygotes show uncoordinated, non-productive pyeloureteric peristalsis with abnormal propagation of the initial contraction
• unlike in wild-type kidneys where peristaltic contractions initiated near the base of the papilla are circumferentially orientated and propagate distally along the longitudinal axis passing towards and into the ureter, the distal renal pelvis of mutant mice exhibits contractions in both the circular and the longitudinal direction almost synchronously with the ureter
• however, no significant difference in peristaltic frequency is noted between the two groups
• in addition, isolated renal pelvis preparations suggest normal pelvic smooth muscle contractile responses

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg mutation (0 available); any Crim1 mutation (52 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
renal/urinary system
• simplification and dilation of the glomerular capillaries at E15.5 through E17.5
• at E15.5 through E17.5
• visible accumulation of blood within the glomeruli at E17.5
• thick section histology reveals pooling of erythrocytes in some dilated capillaries

cardiovascular system
• simplification and dilation of the glomerular capillaries at E15.5 through E17.5
• at E15.5 through E17.5
• visible accumulation of blood within the glomeruli at E17.5
• thick section histology reveals pooling of erythrocytes in some dilated capillaries

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * CD-1
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Crim1Gt(KST264)Byg mutation (0 available); any Crim1 mutation (52 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
renal/urinary system
• adult heterozygous show no significant changes in GFR, left kidney weight, left kidney to body weight ratio, and 24-hr urine, sodium, potassium, osmolality or 24-hr albumin excretion relative to wild-type controls
• adult heterozygous kidneys show occasional areas of interstitial fibrosis
• adult heterozygous kidneys exhibit occasional areas of renal tubular dilation

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory