renal/urinary system
• urinary prostanglandin biosynthesis (eg. prostacyclin production) is decreased by 55% relative to wild-type
• glomeruli have increase inflammatory cell infiltration
• in older mice, glomeruli are enlarged to due increased glomerular cellularity
• cross-sectional area is increased ~56% in mutants compared to wild-type
• BUN levels are increased ~2-fold vs wild-type at 6 months of age
• urinary prostanglandin biosynthesis (eg. prostacyclin production) is decreased by 55% relative to wild-type
cardiovascular system
• dye extravasation in the ear vasculature is decreased by 50-60% with bradykinin challenge compared to wild-type
immune system
• at 5 months of age, mice show chronic peritonitis
• upon LPS stimulation and 20-30 uM arachadonic acid, induced mutant macrophages produce prostaglandin E2 similar to wild-type levels
• upon LPS stimulation with endognenous or very low exogenous substrate, levels of PGE2 produced by mutant macrophages are much lower than wild-type
• glomeruli have increase inflammatory cell infiltration
digestive/alimentary system
• at 5 months of age, mice show chronic peritonitis
reproductive system
• females show a longer period between successive pregnancies
• litter size is somewhat reduced compared to wild-type
hematopoietic system
• upon LPS stimulation and 20-30 uM arachadonic acid, induced mutant macrophages produce prostaglandin E2 similar to wild-type levels
• upon LPS stimulation with endognenous or very low exogenous substrate, levels of PGE2 produced by mutant macrophages are much lower than wild-type