• die within a few hours of birth
• observed in homozygotes with ~80% penetrance
digestive/alimentary system
• observed in homozygotes with ~80% penetrance
nervous system
• synapse formation and membrane properties of cultured neurons are not significantly different from wild-type neurons; vesicle pool sizes and evoked neurotransmitter release are similar in mutant and wild-type neurons
• number of apoptotic neurons in thalamus is increased 3-fold compared to controls
• excitatory spontaneous mini events show 2-fold increase in frequency in cultured neurons, while inhibitory minifrequency is decreased ~1.4 fold
respiratory system
• plethysmography of newborns shows severe postnatal respiratory failure
• number of apoptotic neurons in thalamus is increased 3-fold compared to controls
• observed in homozygotes with ~80% penetrance