• media survival time is 10 days, although in the early generations, some can survive longer
• appear healthy for the first 2-3 days after birth but fail to thrive thereafter and are profoundly growth retarded
nervous system
• develop a progressive communicating (nonobstructive) form of hydrocephalus that becomes apparent at P3
• Background Sensitivity: hydrocephalus becomes worse as mutants are further backcrossed into C57BL/6
• upon ambulation, homozygotes are ataxic, stabilizing themselves with the tail and splayed legs and have a slight head tremor
respiratory system
• display bilateral suppurative rhinitis with infiltrating neutrophils in the nasal epithelium
• lungs of P7 homozygotes are immature and are similar to P2-P3 lungs
renal/urinary system
• kidneys of P7 homozygotes are immature and are similar to P2-P3 kidneys
• E16.5-18.5 skulls are slightly brachycephalic
• however, skeletal formation appears normal, bones of the skull are present and properly located and exhibit no defects in fusion or ossification of bones, on in the axial/appendicular skeleton or in digit formation
• exhibit doming of the head
• E16.5-18.5 skulls are slightly brachycephalic
• however, skeletal formation appears normal, bones of the skull are present and properly located and exhibit no defects in fusion or ossification of bones, on in the axial/appendicular skeleton or in digit formation
• exhibit doming of the head
hematopoietic system
• atrophy of the thymus, with massive apoptosis of lymphocytes
• atrophy of the spleen, with massive apoptosis of lymphocytes
immune system
• atrophy of the thymus, with massive apoptosis of lymphocytes
• atrophy of the spleen, with massive apoptosis of lymphocytes
• display bilateral suppurative rhinitis with infiltrating neutrophils in the nasal epithelium
reproductive system
• the two males that survive to 2 months of age are infertile
endocrine/exocrine glands
• atrophy of the thymus, with massive apoptosis of lymphocytes