• E9.5 and E10.5 embryos are developmentally delayed
• yolk sac membranes are poorly vascularized
• midline marker analysis indicates that midline is present in embryos but is often severely disrupted and discontinuous
• mesoderm is properly specified at E8.5, as indicated by marker analysis, but it is disorganized
• mutant mesoderm undergoes a partial epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), however it fails to complete EMT
• often the paraxial mesoderm is not divided into discrete left and right domains
• E9.5 and E10.5 embryos are developmentally delayed
• often the paraxial mesoderm is not divided into discrete left and right domains
• mutants exhibit misshapen head folds
• a significant proportion of the mesoderm fails to migrate away from the primitive streak
• E7.5 primitive streak mesoderm cells do not migrate away from explants when grown in culture
• homozygotes fail to form somites or form only a few anterior somites; presomitic mesoderm is specified as indicated by marker analysis, although it is not organized into somitomeres
• embryos develop a malformed allantois
• yolk sac membranes are wrinkled
• embryos develop a malformed allantois that fails to fuse to the chorion
nervous system
cardiovascular system
• yolk sac membranes are poorly vascularized