• at 8-10 days postnatal, proportion of homozygous pups is significantly decreased from expected frequency, while at E18.5 and at birth, proportion conforms to expected frequency
• deaths of some mutants are observed at 1-2 days postnatal
• weight of placentas of homozygous conceptuses weigh less than those of heterozygotes
• homozygotes are smaller than littermates at 1 and 10 days after birth
• body and organ weights of adult mutants are ~65% that of littermates
• rate of weight gain of male and female mice is less than that observed for littermates; at 14 weeks, male weighs 23% less than littermates, and female weighs 16% less
• body and organ weights of adult mutants are ~65% that of littermates
• growth deficiency is apparent before birth, with homozygous E18.5 embryos 18% smaller than heterozygotes
reproductive system
• in more than 60% of testes examined, seminiferous tubules are devoid of elongated spermatids and spermatozoa
• in some males, arrest of spermatogenesis occurrs at step 7 of spermiogenesis, before spermatid elongation begins
• female mice mated with heterozygous or wild-type males produced only 1 litter during a 3 month period
• males lacking elongated spermatids in seminiferous tubules (3/3 males) or having only few elongated spermatids (2/4 males) are sterile
• fertility of males is dramatically reduced; very few litters were produced during matings with heterozygous or wild-type females