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• no behavioral alterations were observed
• no gross anatomical changes in brain
nervous system
• radial migration of cortical neurons was retarded in P10 mutant mice in vivo by BrdU birth dating analysis
• a 20% decrease in the number of granule cells migrating out of explants from P8 cerebellum
• granule cel migration is not significantly modified in developing brain of P12 mutant mice in vivo
• at P5, decreased proliferation and apoptosis of granule cells in the external granular layer of cerebellum
• radial migration of cortical neurons was retarded in P10 mutant mice in vivo by BrdU birth dating analysis
• a 20% decrease in the number of granule cells migrating out of explants from P8 cerebellum
• granule cel migration is not significantly modified in developing brain of P12 mutant mice in vivo
• at P5, decreased proliferation and apoptosis of granule cells in the external granular layer of cerebellum