immune system
• mice exhibit defective IgG2a and IgG1 production in response to collagen
• mice exhibit deficient Th1 response following collagen immunization
• mice exhibit elevated levels of circulating IL12 over control (B10.Q/Ai) in response to infection
• cells obtained from lymph nodes of collagen immunized mice fail to produce interferon gamma in response to nominal antigen
• mice exhibit reduced levels of interferon gamma in response to protozoan infection prior to day 8, however, interferon gamma levels exceed control (B10.Q/Ai) after day 8
• inoculated mice succumb to Toxoplasma gondii infection with 10-14 days
• mice exhibit elevated levels of circulating IL12 over control (B10.Q/Ai) in response to infection
hematopoietic system
• mice exhibit defective IgG2a and IgG1 production in response to collagen
• mice exhibit deficient Th1 response following collagen immunization