• embryos are found at less than Mendelian ratios at E8.5 and by E13.5 no mice has survived
• at E8 to E8.5, blood islands are unusually large and extend into the exocoelomic cavity to a greater degree than in wild-type
• more mesodermal cells are present in the blood islands and their hematopoietic development is retarded
• at E9.5. yolk, sac blood vessel formation is retarded
• by E9.5, surviving embryos have not undergone rotation
• endodermal cells are cuboidal and columnar, and arranged in a stratified cuboidal epithelium as well as columnar epithelium instead of squamous endoderm
• apical processes (microvilli or cilia) are present unlike in normal embryonic endodermal cells
• however, the histological distinction between embryonic endoderm and visceral endoderm is not lost
• at E8 to E8.5, embryos are small and acorn-shaped
• at E8 to E8.5, somites fail to form despite embryos having undergone gastrulation
• at E11.5, allantoic blood vessels are bulbous and lack branching
• in 2 of 7 embryos
• in 2 of 7 embryos
• absent in 2 of 7 embryos
• at E9.5, vasculature appears as an interconnected network of small diameter blood vessels similar to that seen in E8.5 embryos
• by E11.5, remodeling has not occurred
• however, the histological distinction between embryonic endoderm and visceral endoderm is not lost
• visceral endoderm does not uptake HDL (high density lipoproteins)
• the visceral endorderm is a stratified epithelium, containing cuboidal and columnar cells that lack large apical vacuoles
• at E8 to E8.5, embryos are small and acorn-shaped
cardiovascular system
• at E8 to E8.5, blood islands are unusually large and extend into the exocoelomic cavity to a greater degree than in wild-type
• more mesodermal cells are present in the blood islands and their hematopoietic development is retarded
• at E9.5. yolk, sac blood vessel formation is retarded