reproductive system
• at E16.5-18.5 a lower percentage of axial elements than in males are in close alignment
• no homologous chromosome synapses form
• however, some bright Sycp1/Syce1 foci coat axial elements
• double strand breaks form, as detected by H2afx and Brca1 staining, but are not efficiently processed
• while the axial elements of the majority of spermatocytes align homologously, some show alignment of some or no chromosomes pairs
• homologous chromosomes synapses initiate in small regions but fail to extend
• double strand breaks form, as detected by H2afx and Brca1 staining, but are not efficiently processed
• only approximately 10% of spermatocytes form XY bodies
• spermatocytes arrest at stage IV and undergo apoptosis
small ovary
• ovaries are minute
• testes weights average 20% of wild-type
• all mice are infertile when crossed to wild-type
• all mice are infertile when crossed to wild-type
endocrine/exocrine glands
small ovary
• ovaries are minute
• testes weights average 20% of wild-type
• at E16.5-18.5 a lower percentage of axial elements than in males are in close alignment
• no homologous chromosome synapses form
• however, some bright Sycp1/Syce1 foci coat axial elements
• double strand breaks form, as detected by H2afx and Brca1 staining, but are not efficiently processed
• while the axial elements of the majority of spermatocytes align homologously, some show alignment of some or no chromosomes pairs
• homologous chromosomes synapses initiate in small regions but fail to extend
• double strand breaks form, as detected by H2afx and Brca1 staining, but are not efficiently processed
• only approximately 10% of spermatocytes form XY bodies
• spermatocytes arrest at stage IV and undergo apoptosis