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Summary 3 genotypes
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Usp53mbo/Usp53mbo involves: BALB/cByJ * C57BL/6J MGI:5708592
Usp53mbo/Usp53mbo involves: C57BL/6J MGI:3709047
Usp53mbo/Usp53+ involves: BALB/cByJ * C57BL/6J MGI:5708593

involves: BALB/cByJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Usp53mbo mutation (0 available); any Usp53 mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at P10, TEM analysis of the cochlear duct showed incomplete and lumpy chromatin condensation in OHC nuclei, indicating early apoptotic changes
• at P10, mutant OHCs are found frequently in abnormal positions among Sox2-positive nuclei of Deiters cells
• by P11, mutant OHCs occasionally show subtle defects in bundle polarity
• by 3 months of age, most mutant cochlear IHCs and OHCs are missing, indicating that OHC loss is followed by IHC degeneration in adult mice
• in contrast, mutant vestibular hair cells appear unaffected
• although intact at P30, mutant IHCs degenerate by 3 months of age
• at P11, mutant OHCs display signs of degeneration, including ruffling of the apical cell membrane and fused stereocilia
• by P30, mutant OHCs are either partially or completely degenerated, whereas IHCs and spiral ganglion neurons remain unaffected
• OHCs start degenerating at ~P8 and are lost progressively along the cochlea in a mosaic pattern, rather than in a basal-to-apical gradient
• OHC degeneration is rescued in cochlear organotypic cultures in low K+ milieu, indicating that HC loss is triggered by extracellular factors
• at P30, homozygotes show a small but significant decrease in the number of Deiters cells
• by 3 months of age, homozygotes show degeneration of the entire organ of Corti
• although normal at P10, the EP is ~17% lower than that in wild-type controls at P30
• however, the barrier properties of tight junctions in the stria vascularis appear intact at P30
• at P18, homozygotes show increased ABR thresholds (62 +/- 4 dB SPL) relative to heterozygous (39 +/- 4 dB) or age-matched wild-type controls (42 +/- 5 dB)
• by P30, homozygotes are severely hearing impaired (ABR thresholds >80 dB), and, by P60, most of them are deaf (ABR thresholds >90 dB)
• analysis of ABRs elicited by pure tones between 4 and 32 kHz indicated that homozygotes are equally affected across tested frequencies
• at 2 months of age, DPOAEs are absent at all frequencies tested (6-28 kHz), unlike in wild-type or heterozygous littermates
• by P60, most homozygotes are deaf (ABR thresholds >90 dB)
• homozygotes display an early onset and rapidly progressive hearing loss with no gross anatomical defects in the vestibular end organs

nervous system
• at P10, TEM analysis of the cochlear duct showed incomplete and lumpy chromatin condensation in OHC nuclei, indicating early apoptotic changes
• at P10, mutant OHCs are found frequently in abnormal positions among Sox2-positive nuclei of Deiters cells
• by P11, mutant OHCs occasionally show subtle defects in bundle polarity
• by 3 months of age, most mutant cochlear IHCs and OHCs are missing, indicating that OHC loss is followed by IHC degeneration in adult mice
• in contrast, mutant vestibular hair cells appear unaffected
• although intact at P30, mutant IHCs degenerate by 3 months of age
• at P11, mutant OHCs display signs of degeneration, including ruffling of the apical cell membrane and fused stereocilia
• by P30, mutant OHCs are either partially or completely degenerated, whereas IHCs and spiral ganglion neurons remain unaffected
• OHCs start degenerating at ~P8 and are lost progressively along the cochlea in a mosaic pattern, rather than in a basal-to-apical gradient
• OHC degeneration is rescued in cochlear organotypic cultures in low K+ milieu, indicating that HC loss is triggered by extracellular factors
• although intact at P30, peripheral axons and somata of mutant spiral ganglion neurons show widespread degeneration by 3 months of age

• homozygotes show no gross defects in neurological function or reflexes
• vestibular function is intact in open-field and swim tests

involves: C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Usp53mbo mutation (0 available); any Usp53 mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• low auditory startle response

• auditory threshold of more than 90 dB, indicating that lines are severely hearing impaired in 8- to 12 week old animals

involves: BALB/cByJ * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Usp53mbo mutation (0 available); any Usp53 mutation (75 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• adult heterozygotes do not display any hearing impairment
• at 2 months of age, DPOAEs are present at all frequencies tested (6-28 kHz)
• no significant change in the EP is observed at P10 and P30 relative to wild-type controls
• at 2 weeks after exposure to continuous broadband noise (8-16 kHz) at 98 dB SPL for 2 hrs, adult heterozygotes show significantly larger ABR threshold shifts at high frequencies (50 +/- 6 dB at 28.3 kHz) than age-matched wild-type controls (23 +/- 6 dB at 28.3 kHz)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory