nervous system
• 76% of soleus NMJs show less branching than controls, but appear relatively normal and are classed as type 1, while 24% of soleus NMJs show only a single ring structure (type 2); diaphragm and sternomastoid muscles show similar proportions of the two NMJ types
• type 1 soleus NMJs show increased total area and area occupied by acetylcholine receptors, but percentage of area occupied by AChRs is unchanged relative to controls; 76% increase in area occupied by AChRs corresponds to a 1.8-fold increase in number of AChRs in the synaptic region in 3 month old mice relative to controls
• type 2 soleus NMJs are of equal area to control NMJs, but show a significant decrease in percentage of area occupied by AChRs
• distribution and appearance of mitochondria, synaptic vesicles, or postsynaptic junctional folds are the same in mutant and control soleus and diaphragm muscles
• amplitudes of miniature endplate currents (MEPCs) and endplate currents (EPCs) are significantly reduced at NMJs; EPCs show a significant decrease (171 uV) relative to control (277 uV)
• mean EPC amplitudes are similar to MEPC amplitudes in controls
• decay constants, a measure of channel opening time, are significantly longer at soleus and diaphragm NMJs of mutants at 3 months of age, compared to controls; decay constants range from 100-150 mseconds in mutants compared to 30-40 mseconds for controls
• spontaneous and evoked transmitter release at the NMJ is reduced relative to controls
• mean quantal content is significantly lower at mutant NMJs than in controls
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• no differences in growth and development of skeletal muscle is seen between mutant and control, non-transgenic mice between 1 and 6 months of age; no gait abnormalities result from any muscular abnormalities
• electrophysiological alterations do not result in significant changes in fatigability (at 1 year) or strength (from 1-6 months)