renal/urinary system
small kidney
• when pregnant females are treated with tamoxifen at E11.5-12.5, fetuses analyzed at E16.5-17.5 showed a 20% reduction in kidney size relative to controls but kidneys did have a well defined cortex and medulla
• when pregnant females are treated with tamoxifen at E11.5-12.5, fetuses analyzed at E14.5 or E16.5-17.5 showed a small but significant reduction in the number or ureteric bud (UB) tips
• these kidneys had dilated ureteric bud ampullae
• in tamoxifen treated explant cultures, at 72 hours, a 16% decrease in number of ureteric bud tips is observed; beginning at 48 hours in culture, a 25% reduction in relative surface area is measured compared to controls
• in mutants from tamoxifen treated females, UB tip mitotic index (cell proliferation) is reduced relative to controls; levels of apoptosis are not different