adipose tissue
• after consuming an atherogenic diet for 3 weeks, a 12 week-old homozygous mutant mouse had a percent body fat of 22.38; female mutants become more obese than males on this regimen
• 12 week-old homozygous mutants fed an atherogenic diet for 3 weeks become obese, one animal weighing 30.71 g and having a percent body fat of 22.38; females are more severely affected than are males
• the weight gain of 12 week-old homozygous mutant mice during 3 weeks on an atherogenic diet is greater than that of normal controls; the difference is greater for female than for male mice
• the weight gain of 12 week-old homozygous mutant mice during 3 weeks on an atherogenic diet is greater than that of normal controls; the difference is greater for female than for male mice