reproductive system
small testis
• in adults
• germ cell numbers are reduced by about 20% at E16.5 and by about 90% from E17.5 onwards
• very few primordial oocytes are present at P0
• numbers of maturing and primordial oocytes are greatly reduced in adults
• about 70% of seminiferous tubules lack all germ cells while the remainder have only a few spermatogonia and leptotene-like cells
• meiosis is normal until the zygotene stage however very few cells progress to the pachytene stage
• about 20% of pachytene oocytes display perturbed synaptic progression
• arrest of meiosis in the early pachytene stage with incomplete synaptonemal complex formation
• all females older than 7 months of age were infertile
• prior to 7 months of age 19 of 22 females were infertile
• the few fertile females produce smaller litters with some progeny expressing the floxed allele indicating incomplete Cre-mediated recombinatio
• all males are infertile
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis
• in adults
• germ cell numbers are reduced by about 20% at E16.5 and by about 90% from E17.5 onwards
• very few primordial oocytes are present at P0
• numbers of maturing and primordial oocytes are greatly reduced in adults
• about 70% of seminiferous tubules lack all germ cells while the remainder have only a few spermatogonia and leptotene-like cells
• meiosis is normal until the zygotene stage however very few cells progress to the pachytene stage
• about 20% of pachytene oocytes display perturbed synaptic progression
• arrest of meiosis in the early pachytene stage with incomplete synaptonemal complex formation