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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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gene trap RRB047, BayGenomics
Summary 1 genotype
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Trip13Gt(RRB047)Byg/Trip13Gt(RRB047)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3720594

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Trip13Gt(RRB047)Byg mutation (0 available); any Trip13 mutation (34 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Developmental histology of Trip13Gt(RRB047)Byg/Trip13Gt(RRB047)Byg mouse testes

• most mice die prior to weaning

reproductive system
• most oocytes are lost during late embryogenesis or early in postnatal development
• an increased percentage of achiasmate chropmosomes are observed at diplonema in spermatocytes
• the X and Y are separated at pachynema 7.2-fold more often than in wild-type
• oocytes arrest between pachynema and dictyate (J:123677)
• sperm arrest during pachytene (J:123677)
• mostly arrest at spermatocyte stages of epithelial stage IV, corresponding to pachynema, a few most-meiotic cells are detected. (J:163309)
• the numbers of crossovers and chiasmata are reduced (J:163309)
• the X and Y fail to form a subnuclear domain (the sex body) during prophase compared to wild-type mice (J:163309)
• total autosomal SC length at pachynema is 11% shorter than in wild-type
• no motile epididymal sperm are observed
• ovaries are severely dysmorphic and have no or few follicles
• at day 2, mice have no or few follicles
• large majority of oocytes are unable to complete folliculogenesis
• at day 2, ovaries are small and lack oocytes or newly forming follicles
• less populated tubules
• males and females have small gonads
• mutant males have significantly smaller testes than wild-type (J:163309)
• males and females are sterile (J:123677)

• most oocytes are lost during late embryogenesis or early in postnatal development
• an increased percentage of achiasmate chropmosomes are observed at diplonema in spermatocytes
• the X and Y are separated at pachynema 7.2-fold more often than in wild-type
• oocytes arrest between pachynema and dictyate (J:123677)
• sperm arrest during pachytene (J:123677)
• mostly arrest at spermatocyte stages of epithelial stage IV, corresponding to pachynema, a few most-meiotic cells are detected. (J:163309)
• the numbers of crossovers and chiasmata are reduced (J:163309)
• the X and Y fail to form a subnuclear domain (the sex body) during prophase compared to wild-type mice (J:163309)
• total autosomal SC length at pachynema is 11% shorter than in wild-type
• no motile epididymal sperm are observed
• at day 17.5, sperm contain more asynaptic or terminally asynapsed chromosome (62.5% compared to 25% in wild-type mice)
• double strand break repair is defective in sperm and oocytes (J:123677)
• early in double-stranded break repair (J:163309)

• surviving mice are smaller in size

• some surviving mice have shorter tails
• some surviving mice have kinked tails

endocrine/exocrine glands
• ovaries are severely dysmorphic and have no or few follicles
• at day 2, mice have no or few follicles
• large majority of oocytes are unable to complete folliculogenesis
• at day 2, ovaries are small and lack oocytes or newly forming follicles
• less populated tubules
• mutant males have significantly smaller testes than wild-type (J:163309)

• at day 17.5, sperm contain more asynaptic or terminally asynapsed chromosome (62.5% compared to 25% in wild-type mice)
• double strand break repair is defective in sperm and oocytes (J:123677)
• early in double-stranded break repair (J:163309)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory