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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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transgene insertion 6, Fred Van Leuven
Summary 2 genotypes
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Tg(Thy1-App*R609D*K612E)6Vln/Tg(Thy1-App*R609D*K612E)6Vln involves: FVB MGI:3720106
Tg(Thy1-App*R609D*K612E)6Vln/0 involves: FVB MGI:3720105

involves: FVB
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No mouse lines available in IMSR.
See publication links below for author information.
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• >50% of transgenic mice die by ~100 days of age compared to ~7% of nontransgenic littermates

• following seizures, mice are lethargic for variable periods of time
• upon transfer to new cage, many mice show neophobia
• males older than 2 months display increased aggressiveness towards other males, with frequent and severe fighting
• significantly more (~4%) mice older than ~2 months display long latency of >5 seconds when placed in a new environment compared to 5% of control FVB mice, whereas 4-6 week old mice show similar latency to control animals
• after 2 months of age, mice display increased agitation and bouts of wild running
• in open field tests, mice 6-20 weeks old display significantly reduced ambulation, with number of corner crossings skewed toward lower values relative to controls which show a Gaussian distribution
• upon transfer to new cage, many mice show postural freezing; significantly more mice 3-5 months of age display posture freezing compared to 2% of wild-type controls
• after 2 months of age, >60% of mice show mild seizures of varying severity compared to very few in transgenic mice on the C57BL background
• less susceptible than wild-type or line 6 transgenic mice to NMDA-induced seizures and mortality at all doses of NMDA treatment, displaying no symptoms and dying only when given doses of 150mg/kg
• mice are more sensitive to kainic acid than wild-type, with all mice displaying stage 5 seizures at a dose of 40 mg/kg compared to only 30% of wild-type exhibiting stage 5 and 66% having stage 4 seizures
• mice older than 6 months exhibit tonic-clonic seizures of 30-60 seconds, followed by whole body clonic seizures
• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds
• mice older than 6 months show severe tonic-clonic seizures lasting 30-60 seconds, with gasping and stretching all four limbs out with their tail upright, followed by severe whole body clonic seizures

nervous system
• after 2 months of age, >60% of mice show mild seizures of varying severity compared to very few in transgenic mice on the C57BL background
• less susceptible than wild-type or line 6 transgenic mice to NMDA-induced seizures and mortality at all doses of NMDA treatment, displaying no symptoms and dying only when given doses of 150mg/kg
• mice are more sensitive to kainic acid than wild-type, with all mice displaying stage 5 seizures at a dose of 40 mg/kg compared to only 30% of wild-type exhibiting stage 5 and 66% having stage 4 seizures
• mice older than 6 months exhibit tonic-clonic seizures of 30-60 seconds, followed by whole body clonic seizures
• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds
• mice older than 6 months show severe tonic-clonic seizures lasting 30-60 seconds, with gasping and stretching all four limbs out with their tail upright, followed by severe whole body clonic seizures

• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds

respiratory system
• mice of all ages exhibit markedly increased respiratory rate in a new environment

involves: FVB
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
No mouse lines available in IMSR.
See publication links below for author information.
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 44% of transgenic mice die within the first year of life, compared to 7% of nontransgenic littermates; first death occurred at 150days of age

• following seizures, mice are lethargic for variable periods of time
• upon transfer to new cage, many mice show neophobia
• significantly more (~47%) mice older than ~2 months display long latency of >5 seconds when placed in a new environment compared to 5% of control FVB mice, whereas 4-6 week old mice show similar latency to control animals
• after 3 months of age, mice display increased agitation and bouts of wild running
• in open field tests, mice 6-20 weeks old display significantly reduced ambulation, with number of corner crossings skewed toward lower values relative to controls which show a Gaussian distribution
• upon transfer to new cage, many mice show postural freezing; 23% of mice 3-5 months of age display posture freezing compared to 2% of wild-type controls
• after 3 months of age, >60% of mice show mild seizures of varying severity compared to very few in transgenic mice on the C57BL background
• mice older than 6 months exhibit tonic-clonic seizures of 30-60 seconds, followed by whole body clonic seizures
• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds
• mice older than 6 months show severe tonic-clonic seizures lasting 30-60 seconds, with gasping and stretching all four limbs out with their tail upright, followed by severe whole body clonic seizures

nervous system
• after 3 months of age, >60% of mice show mild seizures of varying severity compared to very few in transgenic mice on the C57BL background
• mice older than 6 months exhibit tonic-clonic seizures of 30-60 seconds, followed by whole body clonic seizures
• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds
• mice older than 6 months show severe tonic-clonic seizures lasting 30-60 seconds, with gasping and stretching all four limbs out with their tail upright, followed by severe whole body clonic seizures
• nuclei of glial cells in corpus callosum and fimbria appear rounded rather than ellipsoid
• astrocytes with enlarged cell bodies and thicker processes are observed in the cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus
• present even in younger mice
• present even in younger mice
• neurons in the brain appear abnormal upon post-mortem; many are vacuolized, or contain clear cytoplasm around compacted and densely stained nuclei, and are usually found on the boundary of the granule layer and hilus of dentate gyrus and throughout granule layer of dentate gyrus
• degenerating neurons are present in thalamus and posterior cingulate cortex, caudate putamen, hypothalamus and CA1 and CA2 region of pyramidal layer of hippocampus

• many mice display seizures with facial movements, mild fore-limb clonus and mild whole body clonus lasting from 5 to 10 seconds

respiratory system
• mice of all ages exhibit markedly increased respiratory rate in a new environment

hematopoietic system
• nuclei of glial cells in corpus callosum and fimbria appear rounded rather than ellipsoid

immune system
• nuclei of glial cells in corpus callosum and fimbria appear rounded rather than ellipsoid

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory