• distinctly smaller size is evident by 1 week of age and persists throughout the life of the homozygote with the average body weight between 6 and 7 weeks of only 8.5 grams
• cochlear development is delayed such that at 7 days of age the inner sulcus has not formed, and the thickened tectorial membrane remains attached to large columnar epithelial cells, at 14 days of age the cochlea resembles that of a normal cochlea at 7 days of age with the inner sulcus formed and the tunnel of Corti and space of Nuel only beginning to form, and at 1 month of age the cochlea resembles a mature cochlea except the tectorial membrane remains abnormally thickened
• delayed in its correct changes in development the tectorial membrane remains thickened
• Background Sensitivity: ABR thresholds to broadband clicks and to 8, 16, and 32 kHz pure tone stimuli assessed at 1.5 months of age are highly elevated indicative of a 60-70 dB hearing loss, which is not statistically different from the hearing loss found in teeny homozyogtes on a C57BL/6J background, but is statistically more severe than that of teeny 2 Jackson homozygotes on a C3H/HeJ background
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the thyroid glands of homozygotes are dysplastic with poorly developed follicles and hyperproliferation of epithelial cells
• poorly developed follicles
• consistent with a lack of thyroid hormone synthesis
• serum T4 is below the level of detection, less than 0.4 ug/dl, at 5 to 8 weeks of age