• lower epididymal sperm concentration, with a decrease in the number of germ cells per seminiferous tubule at stage II, VII, and XI of spermatogenesis
• sperm exhibit a rounder shaped head
• sperm motility rates are lower
reproductive system
• sperm motility rates are lower
• enlargement of lumens in the seminiferous tubules
small testis
• severe hypospermatogenesis
• lower epididymal sperm concentration, with a decrease in the number of germ cells per seminiferous tubule at stage II, VII, and XI of spermatogenesis
• sperm exhibit a rounder shaped head
• successful mating rates with wild-type females and the number of fetuses resulting are lower
hematopoietic system
endocrine/exocrine glands
• enlargement of lumens in the seminiferous tubules
small testis
immune system
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• mice exhibit normal follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and testosterone serum levels