nervous system
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• brain displays no gross abnormalities in size or morphology
• synaptic plasticity (LTP) is not altered
• dendritic spine density of CA1 pyramidal neurons is slightly decreased compared to wild-type
• spine head width is significantly shifted toward smaller spine size
• synapses in CA1 pyramidal region show significant reduction of postsynaptic density (PSD) thickness compared to controls
• loss of largest PSDs relative to wild-type is observed
• basal synaptic transmission at the Schaffer collateral/commissural-CA1 synapse in hippocampal slices is reduced; input-output curve is shifted downward at high stimulus intensities
• mutants learn faster and more effectively than wild-type during repetitive training in the eight-armed radial maze
• in eight-armed radial maze testing paradigm, mutants show enhanced reference memory compared to wild-type; mutants show fewer reference memory errors than wild-type, even with prolonged training
• when tested for 're-learning' using reversal training in the radial maze paradigm, mutants show faster learning and fewer reference memory errors with repeated training
• long-term retention of reference memory after end of training is impaired relative to wild-type
• when re-tested after 4 weeks, mutants regress to wild-type performance level, losing the enhancemed learning displayed in the initial testing, while wild-type performance after 28 days is similar to the original level during testing
• in eight-armed radial maze testing paradigm, mutants show enhanced working memory, making fewer working memory errors than wild-type animals
• mutants display increased anxiety-like behavior in open-field and light/dark exploration tests relative to wild-type
• mild deficit demonstrated by reduced latency to fall in accelerating rotarod test
• females do not nurture their offspring; litters generally die before weaning
reproductive system
• mice are poor breeders, rarely giving birth