• no sperm are detected in the epididymis
• however, intratesticular testosterone levels are normal
• only sporadic primary spermatocytes are observed
• fewer than expected mice survive to weaning and beyond (6% compared to the expected 25%)
• increased mortality is associated with having a heterozygous mother
• however, survival can be improved by fostering mice to wild-type mothers
• fewer than expected mice are born (17% compared to the expected 25%)
reproductive system
• ovaries contain only a few follicles
• the full range of follicle stages is missing
• the maturation of follicles is arrested at the early secondary stage with most follicles missing oocytes
small ovary
ovary cyst
• in extreme cases the ovary is displaced by one big cyst
• testis weight is reduced to one forth of wild-type in all males
• differentiated stages of spermatogenesis are absent
• with the exception of sporadic spermatocytes, no spermatozoa or other stages of spermatogenesis are found
• no sperm are detected in the epididymis
• however, intratesticular testosterone levels are normal
• only sporadic primary spermatocytes are observed
cardiovascular system
small heart
• unlike other Gja1 deficient mice, only the size of the heart is smaller in neonates
• 95+/-24 mg compared to 121+/-26 mg for wild-type mice
• however, left-ventricular mass and ejection fraction are normal in neonates while heart rate and ejection volume are normal in adults
• 300+/-70 beats per minute compared to 346+/-80 beats per minute in wild-type neonates
• however, there is no difference in electrocardiogram readings for neonates
• infra-Hisian conduction is impaired (9.5+/-0.7 ms compared to 12.4+/-2.4 ms in wild-type mice)
• hearts exhibit prolonged QRS (10.9+/-0.6 ms compared to 9.1+/-0.7 ms in wild-type hearts)
• hearts exhibit shorter rate-corrected QTc-intervals (12.2+/-1.1 ms compared to 16.0+/-2.6 ms for wild-type hearts) in surface electrocardiogram
ovary cyst
• in extreme cases the ovary is displaced by one big cyst
• mice weigh is reduced by 30% (20+/-2 g compared to 31+/-3 g for wild-type mice)
endocrine/exocrine glands
• ovaries contain only a few follicles
• the full range of follicle stages is missing
• the maturation of follicles is arrested at the early secondary stage with most follicles missing oocytes
small ovary
ovary cyst
• in extreme cases the ovary is displaced by one big cyst
• testis weight is reduced to one forth of wild-type in all males