• the optimal dose of ghrelin to stimulate food intake is 3.3-fold lower in homozygotes compared to wild-type controls
• artificial stimulation of feeding by turning the lights off for 6 hours during the light part of the day fails to increase food intake in old (50 - 65 weeks of age) mutant mice unlike in age-matched wild-type controls
• however, circadian patterns of spontaneous food intake are not significantly different from age matched controls in either young or old homozygotes
• however, no difference is seen in old mice
• during the dark but not the light period the respiratory quotient is significantly lower in young homozygotes compared to age-matched wild-type controls
• heat production is significantly higher during both the light and dark period in young homozygotes compared to wild-type controls
• however, no difference is seen in old mice
digestive/alimentary system
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• no significant difference is seen in gastric emptying despite expression patterns