reproductive system
• at 3 weeks, the anogenital distance is reduced in males compared to wild-type males
• seminal vesicle weight is less than in wild-type mice (33.2+/-4.7 mg compared to 272.2+/-22.6 mg)
small ovary
• smaller than wild-type controls
• ovary weight is decreased (7.5+/-0.7 mg compared to 19.9+/-0.9 mg)
small testis
• smaller than wild-type controls
• testis weigh less than in wild-type mice (9.0+/-1.7 mg compared to 243.6+/-9.7 mg)
small penis
• penis weight is less than in wild-type mice (19.5+/-2.0 mg compared to 52.5+/-6.1 mg)
• paired mice are infertile
• after a 45 minute period of testing no males ejaculate compared to 40% of wild-type males
• testosterone treatment increases the percent of mice ejaculating to 17%
• males do not display sexual behaviors
• male mice treated with testosterone exhibit more thrusts, but not intromission bouts, than treated wild-type males
• males have no olfactory preference for estrous females even when treated with testosterone
• however, treatment with testosterone restores sexual behavior in 80% of males
• however, female sexual behavior is normal
• plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) level is reduced in males (0.05+/-0.1 ng/ml compared to 1.19+/-0.61 ng/ml)
• levels of LH are not increased by treatment with kisspeptin
• no surge in luteinizing hormone levels occurred after kisspeptin treatment or ovariectomy
• levels of luteinizing hormone are not increased by treatment with kisspeptin
• treatment with testosterone restores some sexual behavior (thrusts) but not others (olfactory preference, ejaculation)
nervous system
• male mice have increased numbers of TH+ neurons in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of the hypothalamus compared to wild-type males
• male mice have more Kiss1+ neurons in the AVPV than in wild-type mice
• however, there is no difference in the number of Kiss1+ neurons in regions that are not sexually dimorphic
• testosterone treated males have 50% fewer spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) than testosterone treated wild-type male but similar to the amount of SNBs found in wild-type and null females
• adult males weigh less than wild-type mice (25.1+/-1.0 g compared to 28.0+/-1.0 g)
digestive/alimentary system
• at 3 weeks, the anogenital distance is reduced in males compared to wild-type males
renal/urinary system
small penis
• penis weight is less than in wild-type mice (19.5+/-2.0 mg compared to 52.5+/-6.1 mg)
endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminal vesicle weight is less than in wild-type mice (33.2+/-4.7 mg compared to 272.2+/-22.6 mg)
small ovary
• smaller than wild-type controls
• ovary weight is decreased (7.5+/-0.7 mg compared to 19.9+/-0.9 mg)
small testis
• smaller than wild-type controls
• testis weigh less than in wild-type mice (9.0+/-1.7 mg compared to 243.6+/-9.7 mg)