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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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transgene insertion NJ.1638, Nancy A Lee
Summary 1 genotype
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Tg(Cd3d-Il5)NJ.1638Nal/? involves: C57BL/6J * CBA/J MGI:3767988

involves: C57BL/6J * CBA/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Tg(Cd3d-Il5)NJ.1638Nal mutation (1 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 69% of mice die before a year of age with most exhibiting no overt morbidity prior to death

immune system
• numbers of more mature eosinophil-committed cell types are greatly increased in bone and spleen while numbers of uncommitted granulocytic precursors are similar to wild-type
• over 108cells consisting of eosinophils and monocytes are found in the peritoneal cavity
• larger number of T cells noted, though not as large as the increase in B cells
• greater than 7-fold increase in white blood cells (WBC) per mm3 blood compared to non-transgenic controls
• by 15 months of age, WBC numbers are over 40 fold higher than in wild-type
• high levels of WBC are observed in newborn mice
• the increase in WBC numbers is largely due to an increase in eosinophils which make up 47% of the WBC compared to 1% in wild-type mice
• 3-10 fold increase in numbers though percentage of WBC is decreased
• B cells dramatically increase with 4 fold greater numbers at 1 month of age, and 30 fold greater numbers by 12 months of age compared to age matched wild-type controls
• rate of B cell expansion is 4 times greater than T cell expansion
• 2-10 fold increase in numbers though percentage of WBC is decreased
• characteristic architecture of the spleen is interrupted with mingling of red and white pulp areas
• in addition, white patches consisting mainly of eosinophils are found on the surface of the spleen
• spleens of 1 month old mice are 8 fold higher than wild-type controls
• spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls
• 9% of mice exhibit enlarged lymph nodes, which can occur throughout the body

liver/biliary system
• eosinophils infiltrate the liver and form foci around hepatic blood vessels
• by 7 months of age, weight of liver is 2 fold greater than in wild-type mice

digestive/alimentary system
• observed in 14% of transgenic mice over 1 year of age
• over 108cells consisting of eosinophils and monocytes are found in the peritoneal cavity

cardiovascular system
• postmortem examinations of some mice revealed enlarged hearts that were 2-3 fold larger than normal, with notable eosinophil infiltration

hematopoietic system
• numbers of more mature eosinophil-committed cell types are greatly increased in bone and spleen while numbers of uncommitted granulocytic precursors are similar to wild-type
• increase numbers of erythroblasts are found in spleen (14-fold) and liver
• larger number of T cells noted, though not as large as the increase in B cells
• greater than 7-fold increase in white blood cells (WBC) per mm3 blood compared to non-transgenic controls
• by 15 months of age, WBC numbers are over 40 fold higher than in wild-type
• high levels of WBC are observed in newborn mice
• the increase in WBC numbers is largely due to an increase in eosinophils which make up 47% of the WBC compared to 1% in wild-type mice
• 3-10 fold increase in numbers though percentage of WBC is decreased
• B cells dramatically increase with 4 fold greater numbers at 1 month of age, and 30 fold greater numbers by 12 months of age compared to age matched wild-type controls
• rate of B cell expansion is 4 times greater than T cell expansion
• 2-10 fold increase in numbers though percentage of WBC is decreased
• characteristic architecture of the spleen is interrupted with mingling of red and white pulp areas
• in addition, white patches consisting mainly of eosinophils are found on the surface of the spleen
• spleens of 1 month old mice are 8 fold higher than wild-type controls
• spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls

• some but not all transgenic mice exhibit alopecia and often precedes development of skin ulceration
• some but not all transgenic mice exhibit ulcerations with increased likelihood occurring with age

• numbers of more mature eosinophil-committed cell types are greatly increased in bone and spleen while numbers of uncommitted granulocytic precursors are similar to wild-type

• postmortem examinations of some mice revealed enlarged hearts that were 2-3 fold larger than normal, with notable eosinophil infiltration
• by 7 months of age, weight of liver is 2 fold greater than in wild-type mice
• spleens of 1 month old mice are 8 fold higher than wild-type controls
• spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls spleen weight increases linearily with age so that by 10 months of age spleens are 24 fold higher than in wild-type controls

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory