• die around E10.5
• arteries are smaller and less well defined compared to wild-type mice
• absence of a branching vascular network at E9.5 and E10.5
• at E9.5 dilated blood vessels are present
• however, placental development appears normal
• reduced in size by E9.5
• about half the size of wild-type and heterozygous littermates at E10.5
• at E9.5 and E10.5 the surface of the yolk sac appears pitted and pale
• endothelial cells are present but fail to organize into a vascular network
• smooth muscle cells accumulate in a spotted punctate pattern
cardiovascular system
• fewer small capillaries in the head region
• smaller and less well defined
• at E9.5
• arteries are smaller and less well defined compared to wild-type mice
• reduction in the number of branch points in the perineural vascular plexus compared to wild-type controls at E9.5
• reduction in the number of branch points in the perineural vascular plexus compared to wild-type controls at E9.5
• absence of a branching vascular network at E9.5 and E10.5
• at E9.5 dilated blood vessels are present
• however, placental development appears normal
• smaller and underdeveloped at E9.5
• at E9.5 the left valve is smaller and underdeveloped
• reduced in size by E9.5
• about half the size of wild-type and heterozygous littermates at E10.5
• reduced proliferation of MEFs
hematopoietic system
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• despite anemic appearance, no significant difference in erythroid, myeloid or mixed colony formation is seen in colony forming assays using yolk sac derived cells from homozygous or wild-type embryos
• arteries are smaller and less well defined compared to wild-type mice