endocrine/exocrine glands
• at P14, thyroid architecture is altered, with multilayered epithelial cells surrounding the colloid lumen and with some dysmorphic follicles containing abnormal material inside
• dysmorphic follicles containing abnormal material inside and multiple degenerative follicles which have varying degrees of colloid depletion are seen at P14
• increase in thyroid size is already seen at E15.5 and is striking by P14
• increase in epithelial cell proliferation rate at E15.5 and P14
• Background Sensitivity: at P14, epithelial cell proliferation rates are higher on the congenic C57BL/6 background than on the BALB/c background
• at P14, thyroid structure is completely altered with multiple degenerative follicles, which have varying degrees of colloid depletion, resembling a follicular adenoma
• decrease in T4 hormonal levels at P14
• increase in TSH at P14
• all mutants die before 2 weeks of age due to compression of the trachea and esophagus by the enlarged thyroid
• at P14, thyroid structure is completely altered with multiple degenerative follicles, which have varying degrees of colloid depletion, resembling a follicular adenoma