immune system
• with Atg7 and Xbp1 deletion in IECs (intestinal epithelial cells), most mice (>70%) develop discontinuous or transmural inflammation with acute and chronic inflammation ending in an abrupt fashion to muscularis propria and serosa resembling pathologies seen in human patients with Crohn's disease
• enteritis progresses such that it is present in all animals by 18 weeks
• dextran sodium sulfate treatment induces greater inflammation that in wild-type mice
• ileitis is more severe than in animals with IEC deletion of Xbp1 only
digestive/alimentary system
• intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) completely lack unfolded protein response (UPR)-induced autophagy
• more apoptotic IEC cells are detected than in mice having only Xbp1 deletion in IECs
• with Atg7 and Xbp1 deletion in IECs (intestinal epithelial cells), most mice (>70%) develop discontinuous or transmural inflammation with acute and chronic inflammation ending in an abrupt fashion to muscularis propria and serosa resembling pathologies seen in human patients with Crohn's disease
• enteritis progresses such that it is present in all animals by 18 weeks
• dextran sodium sulfate treatment induces greater inflammation that in wild-type mice
• ileitis is more severe than in animals with IEC deletion of Xbp1 only