• newborn females have reduced numbers of oocytes though a few are able to survive to form follicles
reproductive system
• newborn females have reduced numbers of oocytes though a few are able to survive to form follicles
• the number of follicles are reduced in both prepubertal and pubertal females
• at E16.5, increased levels of apoptosis for meiotic germ cells are observed throughout the ovary
• the emergence of sex cord-like structures can be observed in the ovaries at birth
• at three weeks of age sex cords similar to seminiferous tubes can be observed along with healthy maturing follicles
• within these tubules, cells are observed that resemble Sertoli cells in their morphological characteristics and molecular markers
• by 7 weeks of age there are areas in the ovary that lack follicles
• 1000pg/mg protein, about 1/10th of what is found in newborn testis of wild-type mice while none is found in wild-type ovaries
• the ovaries are surrounded by highly coiled ductal structures resembling the male epididymis
• in addition, vas deferens-like ducts tracked down the uterine horns and vagina
• structures resembling seminal vesicles sometimes form on the wall of the upper vagina
• this pseudohermaphroditism occurs with 100% penetrance though 11% of mice will have one of their two reproductive tracts be phenotypically normal
• only 1 of 6 females had litters after 1 month of continuous mating
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the number of follicles are reduced in both prepubertal and pubertal females
• at E16.5, increased levels of apoptosis for meiotic germ cells are observed throughout the ovary
• the emergence of sex cord-like structures can be observed in the ovaries at birth
• at three weeks of age sex cords similar to seminiferous tubes can be observed along with healthy maturing follicles
• within these tubules, cells are observed that resemble Sertoli cells in their morphological characteristics and molecular markers
• by 7 weeks of age there are areas in the ovary that lack follicles
• 1000pg/mg protein, about 1/10th of what is found in newborn testis of wild-type mice while none is found in wild-type ovaries