• homozygotes show significantly increased freezing response
immune system
• a trend towards an increased number of nucleated cells (leukocytes) in the spleen is seen at both 7 weeks of age and 6 months of age
• lymph nodes exhibit a higher percentage of B cells in both older and younger mice
• lymph nodes exhibit a higher percentage of T cells in older mice
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show an increase in the percentage of CD4+ helper T cells
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show an increase in the percentage of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
• 4 of 6 mutants exhibit larger, darker, abnormally shaped spleens
• splenomegaly is seen in homozygotes older than 1 year of age, with weights from 1.5 to 2 times normal
• within the white pulp, follicles (B-cell enriched regions) have increased cellularity
• within the white pulp, the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (T-cell enriched regions) has increased cellularity
• a trend towards an increased number of nucleated cells (leukocytes) in the spleen is seen at both 7 weeks of age and 6 months of age
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show a decrease in the percentage of macrophages
dark spleen
• lymph nodes exhibit higher percentages of B cells and T cells in older mice and B cells in younger mice
• mutants exhibit a reduced humoral immune response; the IgM antibody-forming cell response to T-dependent antigen sheep RBC is decreased
• mutants exhibit severe inflammatory lesions when housed in woodchip bedding; if mutants are transferred to cages with corncob beddings, infections are less severe and less frequent
• infections include bronchopneumonia (2% incidence) and myocplasmosis (1% incidence)
• 15-20% incidence of skin/eye infections
• mutants show staphylococucus aureus infection
hematopoietic system
• lower platelet counts
• however, mutants are not anemic
• a trend towards an increased number of nucleated cells (leukocytes) in the spleen is seen at both 7 weeks of age and 6 months of age
• lymph nodes exhibit a higher percentage of B cells in both older and younger mice
• lymph nodes exhibit a higher percentage of T cells in older mice
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show an increase in the percentage of CD4+ helper T cells
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show an increase in the percentage of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
• 4 of 6 mutants exhibit larger, darker, abnormally shaped spleens
• splenomegaly is seen in homozygotes older than 1 year of age, with weights from 1.5 to 2 times normal
• within the white pulp, follicles (B-cell enriched regions) have increased cellularity
• within the white pulp, the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (T-cell enriched regions) has increased cellularity
• a trend towards an increased number of nucleated cells (leukocytes) in the spleen is seen at both 7 weeks of age and 6 months of age
• spleens from 6 month old mutants show a decrease in the percentage of macrophages
dark spleen
• metastatic neoplasia (renal adenocarcinoma with secondaries in the liver and lymph nodes)
• 20% of 9 month old or older mutants develop a variety of tumors within the lung, ovary, mammary gland, kidney, liver, prostate, abdomen, thorax, and skin
• tumor types range from primary and benign adenomas (pulmonary/brochoalveolar renal) to noninvasive or invasive neoplasms (basal cell carcinoma of the skin, liver, and renal adenocarcinoma, lymphoid hyperplasia, and tumors of the mammary gland, ovaries, and prostate) and metastatic neoplasia (renal adenocarcinoma with secondaries in the liver and lymph nodes)
cardiovascular system
• 9 month old mutants sometimes exhibit hemorrhagic bladder, hemorrhagic masses adjacent to spleen and ovary, and/or thoracic hemorrhage
renal/urinary system
kidney cyst
nervous system
• hair loss resulting in bald patches
skin lesions
• gross inflammatory lesions of the skin
reproductive system
endocrine/exocrine glands
kidney cyst
• splenomegaly is seen in homozygotes older than 1 year of age, with weights from 1.5 to 2 times normal
respiratory system