• lethality occurs between E3.5 and E7.5 with abnormalities in embryo development first occurring at E4.5
• E5.5 embryos are retarded in growth development and patterning
• the number of E5.5 embryonic cells proliferating are dramatically reduced
• E3.5 blastocytes cultured in vitro fail to survive
• E5.5 embryos are retarded in growth development and patterning
• the number of E5.5 embryonic cells proliferating are dramatically reduced
• E3.5 blastocytes cultured in vitro fail to survive
• E5.5 embryos have a disorganized presumptive epiblast with cellular degeneration
• E5.5 embryos have a disorganized presumptive epiblast with cellular degeneration
• trophoblast giant cells are completely absent in E6.0 embryos
• E3.5 blastocytes cultured in vitro fail to form trophectodermal outgrowths
• the presumptive visceral endoderm has extensive vacuolization at E6.0
reproductive system
• mutant embryos begin to implant but are unable to trigger apoptosis in the underlying endometrium