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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1.1, Jacques U Baenziger
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Chst8tm1.1Jub/Chst8tm1.1Jub B6.129X1-Chst8tm1.1Jub MGI:3803593

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Mouse lines carrying:
Chst8tm1.1Jub mutation (0 available); any Chst8 mutation (84 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• cross-sectional area of the ovary is twice that of wild-type control with a more nodular appearance evident

reproductive system
• seminal vesicles from mature males are twice the weight of wild-type seminal vesicles
• the difference is size is observed starting at 26 days of age
• increased numbers of copora lutea are evident when compared to wild-type
• cross-sectional area of the ovary is twice that of wild-type control with a more nodular appearance evident
• testes weight is significantly larger at postnatal days 26 and 28 but differences do not persist in adults
• uterine from female mice are swollen and highly vascularized
• mean uterine weight is 2.3 times of uteri from wild-type mice
• epididymis weight is increased in male mice with the mean weight of the epididymus at 42 days of age being 85 g compared to 58 g in wild-type males
• sperm is first identified in the tubules of the testes on postnatal day 28, which is two days earlier than in wild-type testes
• the vaginal opening in female mice occurs 5 days earlier than in wild-type females
• all females have reached maturity by 28 days of age
• mean progesterone production by the ovaries is 5.3-fold greater
• mean estrogen production by the ovaries is 2.5-fold greater than in wildtype though almost half of the mice produced estrogen in the normal range
• female mice have a prolonged estrous cycle, with only 1.5 cycles occurring in a 19 day period compared to 4 cycles in wild-type females
• homozygote parents have increased fecundity with 1.8 litters being born per female in a 2-month period compared to 1.1 litters to wild-type parents
• litters born to homozygote parents are larger than compared to wild-type mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminal vesicles from mature males are twice the weight of wild-type seminal vesicles
• the difference is size is observed starting at 26 days of age
• increased numbers of copora lutea are evident when compared to wild-type
• cross-sectional area of the ovary is twice that of wild-type control with a more nodular appearance evident
• testes weight is significantly larger at postnatal days 26 and 28 but differences do not persist in adults
• mean progesterone production by the ovaries is 5.3-fold greater
• mean estrogen production by the ovaries is 2.5-fold greater than in wildtype though almost half of the mice produced estrogen in the normal range

• males exhibit extensive barbering of each other
• females rarely cannibalize their young compared to C57BL/6 mothers whom often eat their young

• mean levels of testosterone in male mice is 4.2 fold greater than in wild-type though nearly half of the mice have values that fall within the normal range
• circulating FSH levels in male mice is 24% greater than in wild-type male mice
• mean lutenizing hormone (LH) levels in the blood of male mice are increased by 4.4-fold compared to wild-type mice
• in castrated mice, LH levels are 2.5 fold higher than in castrated wild-type mice
• the increased circulating LH levels are attributable to the increased half-lifeof the hormone from 7.2 minutes to10.1 minutes
• this increased half-life is attributable to altered glycosylation of the hormone

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory